martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Homework for October 19th

Quantifiers "we use them to express quantities with out using numbers" / Los usamos para expresar cantidades si mencionar numeros.
Many - countable (express numbers)
A lot of - uncountable / countable (express numbers / part of something (parte de algo)
Much - uncountable (express part of something)
Some - uncountable / countable (express numbers / part of something (parte de algo)
Any - uncountable / countable (express numbers / part of something (parte de algo) in questions y negaciones.
A little - uncountable (part of something)
A few - countables (express numbers)
Examples: I eat a little cheese / como poco queso. I drink a few sodas a day / me bebo algunos refrescos al dia. I don' eat too much pizza / no como mucha pizaza. I don't have any beers / no tengo cervezas.

If you have any questions please load them. This excercise needs to be done on October 19th, 2011, and it covers page 49 only. Si tienes preguntas porfavor subelas.

Good day

1 comentario:

  1. Im going to do all the excercises on my notebook, but also Im gonna comment in the blog for the "assistance" points and that stuff.... It is ok if I show you all the homeworks when we return instead publish all here?
